ÌFirst Aid Supplies and emergency equipment locationsÌ:
Annex Building: Ì Gymnasium large storeroom
Middle Building: Ì Backstage area adjacent to church main offices
The Centrum Building: Ì Backstage area underneath white table between rear stairwell and rear rehearsal area
Emergency Supplies in each of the three building locations include:
Duct tape and plastic sheeting
First Aid kit
tool kit
telephone instrument to be plugged into designated fax lines
battery-operated radio--740 AM is the National Disaster Information Station
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Emergency Communication Information:
In the event that electrical power is lost but telephone lines are operating, there are direct lines (noted on all maps) into which stored emergency telephone instruments may be plugged. These instruments are stored in equipment locations. These designated fax-phone lines bypass the electrically operated network system.
Annex Building:
Cypress Creek Christian Preschool offices regular telephone and fax lines 281/251-KIDS
Interface-Samaritan Counseling Offices telephone and fax lines 281 376-8006
Middle Building:
Downstairs Offices Workroom Fax line 281/370-7777
Centrum Building:
FACE fax line located in upstairs Pastor’s Study 281-320-8359
Internet Website Interactive Communication located at Community Center
Secretary’s Desk: where website emergency page can be updated in-house and email accessed. Requires that electrical power and DCL telephone lines be operative.
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Other related information:
Ventilation System Control Switches:
In the event of biological attack, ventilations systems should be turned to the "off" position in each area of the facility. (See Maps for location of control panels marked).
Plastic sheeting and duct tape found in storage area for emergency equipment and supplies marked Ì should be used to seal door openings.
Each building is equipped with emergency lights that automatically light in the case of power outage. All fire extinguishers are serviced regularly.
Pre-school and Children’s Sunday School classes should participate regularly in evacuation drills for both orderly evacuation of facility and orderly movement to "safety" locations.