Cypress Creek Christian Community Center

The Community Center

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Cypress Creek Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was established in April of 1972 the congregation decided that they did not want to build a structure that would be occupied just on Sunday mornings.  The congregation decided that one way of revealing God’s unconditional love to the “outside world” would be to use its buildings to elevate the quality of life, not just for the congregation, but for the community.  Therefore, the Cypress Creek Christian Community Center was born to use the building, in the same sense as a hymnbook or a collection plate, to serve as a tool of God’s mission.

We seek to ascertain the specific human needs of our neighborhood; actively soliciting organizations that will help us meet these needs, and then give them a home.  We will only ask groups to contribute their fair share of the building’s operating costs (utilities and janitorial upkeep).  The congregation members believe that by using their building as a tool of mission, the proclaim with John that, “Because He first loved us, let us now endeavor to love one another.”  The two criteria for use are that organizations be non-profit and provide a valuable community service. 

The Cypress Creek Christian Community Center is a unique community-partnership model for meeting the educational, humanitarian, spiritual, and cultural needs of Northwest Houston. 

The Community Center is generally booked on a six-month basis. Some events are scheduled for up to a year in advance. Non-profit organizations use the facility for only a minimal charge. Special rates apply to students and music school recitals. Further discounts are determined on a case by case basis by the Governing Board.


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